As you can read on our Bios page, Karen and I are not native Montanans. However, in many ways, we think of Montana as home, and are thankful to live in this beautiful place. Here are three reasons why:
1. The Landscape
The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:20 teaches that “creation reveals God’s invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, to the extent that those who try to deny the truth about Him are ‘without excuse.’” And Oh how spectacularly the 147,000 square miles (236,000 square kilometers) of this Big Sky Country around us reveal the wonders of our Creator and Lord!
2. The People
In his poem “The Bells,” Edgar Allan Poe includes this line: “And the people, ah, the people, they that dwell up in the steeple!” Well, we don’t know anyone who dwells in a steeple, but when we consider elements of our love for Montana, “…the people, ah, the people…!” constantly enter the discussion.
For example, we have now married several young people whose parents’ wedding services we conducted. As we lead these second-generation Christian men and women in pre-marital counseling, Karen and I give thanks to the Lord for the “family relationships” He has given us with so many wonderful Montanans whom we love and who love us right back.
3. The Character
We love living in this state because of its cultural character. Montana as an environment and as a society tends to perpetuate traditions of hard work, clean living, educational values, and respect for God, for fellow citizens, and for Country. What a place to raise, spiritually nurture, and school our sons Carl, Christopher, and Cameron!
What about you? Do you live in Montana, or have you been fortunate to spend time here? Tell us what you love about Big Sky Country in the comments.